

If an app is built with free psp game _LARGE_MEMORY flag and you're trying to load it in slot 1 (first app), it will use all Slim memory and you won't be able to load a 2nd app. To allow it to co-exist with other apps, you'll need to load it in slot 2.

- This will probably be incompatible with DA's LEDA if you're trying to run 2 apps requring 2 different kernels.


- Not all apps can be loaded to Slot 2. There're two types of program binary format for ps2, static ELF and relocatable PRX. Static ELF uses fix memory address and can't be relocated. Hence, they will only work when loading in slot 1. If you try to load a static ELF in slot 2, you'll get an error code "0x800200D9". PRX can be loaded in either slot 1 or 2. To convert a homebrew from ELF to PRX, you'll need to re-compile it with BUILD_PRX=1 and set the heap size with PS2_HEAP_SIZE_KB(-800) in the source file. Most static ELF homebrews can be converted to relocatable PRX simply by recompilation.

- There is a limitation on the free psp game AVC hardware decoder which is for

- There is a limitation on the free psp game  hardware decoder which is for video playback. It cannot be accessed by more than 1 application; which means you can't have 2 applcations running together if both of them access the AVC hardware decoder.

- The bundled plugins should be able to coexist with most other apps; with the exception of the PPA plugin which can only coexist with another app which doesn't use the AVC hardware decoder.

- You can't have both slots loading UMD/ISOs, due to there is only 1 physical UMD drive and ISOs are simply emulating the UMD.



